Thank you for visiting our website. To get in touch, please use one of the following methods.

Post | Pension Kammleitn GmbH Chalet Kammleitn, Watschig 40 A-9620 Hermagor Austria Co. reg: FN 382582 VAT No.: ATU 67316335 |
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Phone | +43 650 9870042 |
Fax | +43 820 220 388 835 |
How to reach us by Car
From Hermagor along the B111, in the direction of Nassfeld. After approximately 6km, take the turn for Watschig. Drive over the bridge, and take the second left-hand turn. We are 50m along this track, on the left.
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How to reach us by Public Transport
The nearest main train station to Chalet Kammleitn is Villach Hauptbahnhof. A good train system operates to Villach from many cities, such as Salzburg, Klagenfurt, Ljubljana, Venice, Trieste etc. Then a limited train service operates from Villach to Watschig, bringing you to within 100 metres of Chalet Kammleitn (be warned, this is the scenic route and can sometimes take quite a long time, for what would be a 35 minute car journey!) Alternatively, we can arrange a taxi to collect you at Villach train station.